Malnutrition’s scheme


Severe Acute Malnutrition
Moderate Acute Malnutrition
moderate malnutrition
Chronic Malnutrition



Plumpy’Nut®, at the origin of the range

The first RUTF has revolutioniozed the management of malnutrition.



Two products range in response


The lipid-based Ready-to-Use Foods for the treatment or prevention of Acute Malnutrition belong to the Plumpy® range.

These products aims to fill the energy, macro- and micronutrient, and essential fatty acids gap of targeted beneficiaries.

They are designed for the treatment or prevention of acute malnutrition or for use in emergencies and situations of acute food shortage when energy, macro- and micronutrients, and essential fatty acid requirements cannot be met by locally available/accessible foods, or when the state of the patient requires it.

The lipid-based Ready-to-Use Food supplements for home fortification belong to the Enov® range.

These products aim to fill micronutrients gaps, particularly those important for promoting proper growth and immunity in children.

They are mainly used for home fortification programs aiming at improving the nutrition and health status of the target group in a non-emergency/development or chronic emergency context. These nutrition programs usually include a Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) component promoting key health and nutrition messages.



Severe Acute Malnutrition



RUTF – Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food

Nutritional rehabilitation of Severe Acute Malnutrition in ambulatory with medical check up

From 6 month old

Ready-to-Use Food

200 kcal / kg of corporal weight / day until the target weight / height ratio is reached.



Moderate Acute Malnutrition




sachet plumpy sup





RUSF – Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food

Nutritional rehabilitation of Moderate Acute Malnutrition

From 6 month old

Ready-to-Use Food

1 sachet / day



sachets plumpy'doz







Decrease the repercussion of Acute Malnutrition during risky periods.

From 6 months old

Ready-to-Use Food

1 sachet / day




RUSF – Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food

Improve the development of the fetus and the infant.

Pregnant and lactating women

Ready-to-Use Food

1 sachet / woman / day


Chronic Malnutrition





LNS SQ – Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement
Small Quantity

Improve the development of the fetus and the infant

Pregnant and lactating women

Ready-to-Use Food

1 sachet / woman / day, to mix with food after cooking





LNS SQ – Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement
Small Quantity

Prevent stunting

Improve the child growth, his motor and cognitive development

Children from 6 to 24 months old

Ready-to-Use Food

1 sachet / child / day, to mix with food after cooking